Friday, August 28, 2009

Six Years Together!

Chet and I celebrated 6 years together last Sunday.  It's kind of late, but it's better late than never right!
Chet and I met through a mutual friend.  It's kind of funny too!  Chet actually called her to see if she would go out with him, but she said that something really important was about to happen and that she would call him back.  She was getting proposed to when he called!  Well, I guess she felt bad and decided to hook us up.  But it took her FOREVER to do it.  She had him go out with some other girl first, but luckily that didn't that didn't work out.  Then he got my number and called me, I fell in love with his voice and sweet personality over the phone.  We talked to each other almost every night for a week.  We were suppose to go on a group date a week later, but were too anxious and met up earlier than that.  So we met at the Perkins parking lot and guess what happened next?  I locked my keys in the car!  I was so embarrassed!  So the first thing we did was try to find someone to break into my car, luckily my sisters boyfriend was an expert in that (he worked on cars and knew how to do so).  After that we went to Subway for dinner and then to the ISU sub and played at the game area there, it was a very memorable night.
That following Saturday we had our group date and that didn't go as well as the first.  Chet was being shy and wouldn't really be by me or anything.  His friend Blayne flirted more than he did, so I was thinking well maybe he's not that interested after all.  Then all of a sudden he had to go to the store.  I guess he had forgotten to put deodorant on and was embarrassed because he thought that he stunk.  When I heard about that I couldn't help but laugh, it still makes me laugh today!  :)
That night we went and got ice cream, I was able to talk to him and told him about my past, he wasn't judgmental at all and I loved him for that.  I pretty much fell in love with him then and it was only our second date!
He had planned on asking me to marry him on Easter morning, but my ring didn't arrive on time.  But he proposed two days later, in my drive way.  We were standing out in the rain and only had the worms for witnesses.  :)
Three months later we were married and I couldn't be happier!  I'm so grateful for Chet and all the love he has for me and our 3 beautiful kids.  He's an amazing husband and a wonderful father!  I love him so much!  Thank you Chet for choosing me to be your wife!!!!!!  I love you!!!


  1. Cute! I am glad to hear this story! Thanks for indulging me! ;) BTW, was that friend Angie???

  2. Yes it was. I forgot to mention that part, woops!
