Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Party!!!

Chet and I decided to have a slumber party with a bunch of kiddoes for our New Years Party. We actually had other plans, but they fell through. I then heard that 2 of my sisters had their baby-sitter cancel on them, so we decided to throw a party for the kiddoes and what fun that was!
Everyone came at 6, so we fixed mini cheese burgers to everyone's delight! After dinner, and a quick clean up, the games began. We had them put on their party hats and played a variety of short games, I really had to rack my brain for these cause the planning of it all was really last minute (I called my sisters the night before and that very day). But the kids seemed to really enjoy all of them. Then at 9:30 we decided to let them dance to music and got them prepared to do the countdown at 10, haha we cheated with them! They were so ready for it though, some of the younger ones were getting cranky. Finally it was 10 and we did the final count down, the kids had a blast with it, then I realized that I forgot to let them pull there poppers (ok, I really have no clue what these are called, they are in the celebration packets and you pull the string and they pop out streamers). So I video taped Chet helping the kiddoes out one at a time and they redecorated our tree with streamers, it was so fun to watch their reactions to it all! Ezzy has never liked those, so she got to throw streamers onto the tree. I took tons of pics and even video taped some of it. I asked each of the kiddoes what they wanted for the new years and they gave some rather interesting answers:

Neakis (7) a four wheeler
Ezra (5) smiles
Amayah (5) to have a happy family
Skylar (4) a head
Cian (4) an eye (as he poked his eye)
Gabby (2) to dance
Iolly (2) too shy to talk :)
Max (2) too tired to talk :)

All and all it was a great night! The kids obviously had a lot of fun and partied hard, cause once they were in bed they were pretty much out!!! Then Chet and I got to enjoy ourselves with a game of our own (I love scattigories), made it to midnight and went right to bed! We were exhausted! And then to our surprise, we were woken up at 9 am, seriously 9 am!!! How the heck did we get so lucky with sleeping in with 8 kiddoes in the house, unbelievable! We fixed a huge breakfast and then got everyone ready to go home. The kids keep asking to party again, so now I'm going to have to come up with another sleep over night, it really was fun, so I don't mind. Hopefully Chet feels the same, he was a great sport with it all!


GOOD BYE 2009, HELLO 2010!!!

*Pictures will be coming soon, just need to figure our my new camera first!! :)


  1. you are so good with planning this kind of stuff! I was so glad you guys could make it for the blessing and thank you for the adorable outfit! It will be so soft and comfortable for Katie. Lets plan another visit soon! If you want,we can make the trip this time since you drove the last couple times. Love you and your family.

  2. Thanks Kendra! I would love to have you guys dome down for a visit! Chet and I was actually talking about that on the way back. Just let us know when would be a good time for you guys.
    You're welcome for that outfit, i just loved how soft it was! I thought that it would be perfect for the cold weather there, i hope that it fits her though, i wasn't sure what size to get her.
