Friday, September 4, 2009

First Question Of The Day;

Ezzy woke up this morning and immediately asked "Why did the baby die in your tummy?"  This happened about 6 months ago, I thought that we were done with that conversation, but apparently not.  It so hard to answer a question like that to a child, I don't know why.  That's what I told her too.  "I don't know why these things happen, but sometimes they do.  Heavenly Father knows why and someday maybe we will too, but that's ok if we never do find out, it's just part of his plan." 
She then asked, "When will we have another baby?"  Again, I don't know.  "When Heavenly Father sends us another one, he knows when it's best for us to have another."  I don't know how to answer these, especially with out getting all emotional about it, I don't want her to feel like she can't ask me a question because Mommy might cry.  It's so hard for adults to understand these things, how can we expect a child to?  Why do they happen?  Why do parents who really want to have children have a difficult time with it, and others who aren't good parents have several babies with no problem?  I don't understand it and I probably never will, not in this lifetime anyways.

*if anyone has a better answer, please let me know.

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