Monday, October 5, 2009

Mommy, Woohoo!!!

So, I taught my little guy a new trick, he likes to observe mommy and copy me more than any of my other kids do.    I didn't purposefully teach him, he just figured it out himself.
Anyways, I like to whistle at Chet to get his attention.  This started when I was pregnant with Ezra and I wanted him to feel her kick, so I would whistle for him if he was in another room instead of trying to holler.  Well, it became a habit and I still do it if he's in another room and I need him, it's better than yelling right?  So now Iolly does it, but he does it to me!  It is so darn cute!  When he wakes up I hear "Mommy, woohoo!"  If I'm in another room "Mommy woohoo!"  He called for me last night when I was in the bath relaxing, I laughed so hard, it is just so funny and cute to me.  The other two have never done it and yet here he is, just two and he's already picked up on it!   Oh, and his woohoo isn't a little woohoo, he does a little scream with it!  I really should try and record it sometime, I just love it!  :)

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