Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Fender Bender

I am a huge fan of snowy weather, but not today. Today we got about 6 inches of it, at first I was excited for it. Then we got the call that the schools here were going to have a 2 hour delay this morning, which meant I was going to have to take the girls to school, not Chet.
Just by going out to the van and getting it ready that I realized it was going to be REALLY slick out. The snow was wet and sticky, not good for driving. We were on our way and I noticed the truck in front of me was sliding all over the place, so I slowed down even more, trying to be extra cautious. But I still ended up sliding, hitting the side walk, and finally coming to a stop at the stop sign. But the vehicle behind me was not so lucky, it ran right into us. It hit us hard enough that my back was injured from it. I feel foolish now, but I started to cry. Some of it was because my back was hurt, but the other part was because it scared me.
I got out and realized that I knew the people who hit me, we hugged and they asked how I was, I told them about my back. We then looked at the damage and really, I could not see any. But because of my back, they called the police.
Then we realized that traffic was starting to pick up some and decided to have the kiddoes move out of the vehicles just in case. Just as I got Iolly out and shut the door, another car hit theirs and caused it to hit mine. Mine went out into the road half way, but luckily this usually busy road was clear. I then decided that I needed to move my van for safety of others, so I did and the other two behind me followed suit. Seriously, not two seconds after we did that 2 more cars had a finder binder in the same exact spot. It was crazy! Then the police, ambulance, and fire trucks arrived. The EMT checked me, asked some questions and together we decided that I could just go to my regular dr to have my back checked out. Because of my back, the police had to file an injury report which takes longer to do. So I put the kids back into the car and waited. When they needed to get my information from me, I realized that I left my purse at home by mistake. So I had no drivers license and my new insurance card was also in my purse, so no proof of that either. I was so embarrassed! So I got cited for not having proof and then come to find out that my drivers license expired on my birthday last month, so I got a ticket for that, just lovely.
So this morning did not go at all as planned and was rather frustrating. But after looking back and rethinking the whole event through I came to realize just how blessed we were. If the road would have been busy like it usually is, it could have been much worse. So I am grateful for the "minor" injury and for Heavenly Father for looking out for us.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Trying to see the light!!!

I am having a very stressful time right now and it's really hard not to be so negative. I am very stressed out lately cause I am having a very difficult time being able to keep my house clean, it tends to fall apart so easily. I am having all day sickness anymore, it use to just be night time, but the last few weeks it's progressed into all day. Food is not appealing at all and lately my diet has been roman noodles, that's it. I try and eat anything else and I get a very upset stomach. Water is about all I can drink too, once in a while a sprite. Any kind of juice gives me a nasty heart burn and I am not able to have any kind of dairy when I am prego, makes me soooo sick!
On top of this I have started to already have really bad braxton hecks contractions and severe round ligament pain, along with some back pain too. This pregnancy is literally kicking my butt!
I also have sick boy at the moment who has a pretty bad cold (again) and it caused him to throw up during the night. Iolly always gets colds and they hit him during the night. So lack of sleep with all of this is wearing me down even more. So physically I am exhausted any more.
Emotionally I am draining too. My Grandpa Williams is not doing so well and the family has decided to leave him with hospice care. I totally agree with this decision, but at the same time it is so hard. I love my Grandpa so much and will miss him. They do not think he will last much longer, if we are lucky, he will get to spend one last Holiday with us, I hope so.
I then also found out that a friend I went to high school with commited suicide and her family discovered her body yesterday. My heart aches for them and reminds me of last year, my cousin had an accidental overdose the week before Thanksgiving, she left behind 5 kids. So this holiday has been hard the last 2 years.
I've also been struggling with a dilemma on staying in the nursery at church or asking to be released. I have always dreamed of working in the nursery and now I am finally there! But the timing is just so wrong! Iolly is in there with me and he gives me a lot of problems. He doesn't want me to do anything with any of the other kiddoes, wants me to hold him even though I can't, doesn't listen to anyone and climbs all over me if I sit down. He is super naughty when I am in there with him. The last time I was in there he climbed on my back during lesson time and he hurt my back pretty bad.
Doing the activities with the kiddoes is hard too though. With feeling sick and my tummy hurting it's pretty rough. You have to be active when you have about 14 kiddoes under 3. I find it easy to make an excuse not to go to church rather than going cause I am starting to "dread" going there.
With that being said, I am going to be going to my bishop and let him know what is going on. He is also my dr, so maybe I will tell him at my next appointment, which ever comes first. This will be very hard for me, but I also feel it's the right thing to do.
So with all of this negativity written down, perhaps I can try and come up with some positive ones and see if that will help me out any. Instead of dwelling just on the negatives, I can start seeing the positives too, maybe that'll boost my mood, that's the idea anyways!


I am excited to help Ezra's class out with their Thanksgiving lunch buffet. They are doing finger foods and I signed up to do fun little turkey sandwiches (they will actually look like little turkeys). Chet has agreed to help out with it this weekend, I need to prep enough to make 100 mini ones. I have found a new love with being crafty with food!

I am soooo excited to be adding another member to this family, we just can't wait till he/she gets here!!!

It's Christmas season, my most favorite time of the year. I am hoping that I budgeted enough to be able to help 3 other kids with Christmas this year. I have made it a goal to try and help at least one since I can remember. Last year I actually helped my sister out, she was having some difficulties and I had the money. So it made it a little bit more special when it was someone I knew. This year things look good for her, so I am hoping to be able pick 3 kids out this year and have my kids help pick the stuff out for them. I've been talking to them and preparing them for it. We have a limit on what we get them for Christmas just for this reason. I am hoping that they will learn to give more than wanting. I also have them take turns shopping for the Toys for Tots boxes. I also can't wait till they get the bell ringers out and start collecting donations to help other families out. This is the one time of the year I always carry cash on me, just so I can give them my change when I leave, that has always been a favorite part of Christmas time for me since I was little!

Of course since it's Christmas time that means snow should be coming around the corner soon! I just love snow!!! I miss being in Rexburg cause Pocatello doesn't get enough of it.

I also love the magic of Santa and sharing it with my kids!! This season is just so magical to me!!!

I love my kiddoes, they mean everything to me! I love how big Ezzy is getting and what a great helper she is! Cian loves to do things to please me and hates seeing me sick, still very much a momma's boy! And Iolly is getting so big too, and even though he is a huge Daddy's boy, he prefers me when he is sick. I don't know why, but that comforts me. ;)

I love being the one taking care of my nieces and nephews, I really do love my job! They have a lot of fun being able to play with each other and are such great friends. I am so glad they get to bond like this and I hope that as they get older they will stay close.

I really do like having a clean house and I miss it. Maybe instead of focusing on the whole thing, I should focus on a small part and do a little bit at a time. Sometimes when I think about cleaning I get too caught up with thinking it all has to get done. So I should just start small and go from there, that sounds like a good plan.

My birthday is coming up next month!!! I might be getting older, but I still love celebrating it!!! I am hoping that Chet let's me find a senior or two to buy Christmas presents for this year, that is what I want to do for my birthday. He can still take me out for dinner, but the best gift would be letting me give to someone else, I really enjoy doing stuff like that.

After Thanksgiving every year I paint my Grandma's window and the last 2 years Ezzy has done her own too. I am so excited to do it again this year, it will be a very simple one I think, but it'll still be fun! This has been a tradition since I was probably about 10 or so, can't remember when I started. But I do remember that I started it with my big sister Jennifer. She always had the more crazy and fun ideas to do, I miss that.

Well, I think this is helping out a lot, I am actually starting to feel a bit better and wanted do things, even if it's just accomplishing something small. As much as I am dreading a part of this season, I am really looking forward to it too!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Cian Turned 5 Today!!!

My little Cian turned 5 today, I can't believe it! He is such a great little boy to have, always helping me out and always telling me such sweet things. He asks every day still if he can marry me, and he's always giving me kisses and calling me his girlfriend. Lately he has started every morning with "Mommy I like you, I will be a good boy for you forever!" He doesn't like to disappoint me, he always wants me to be happy. I just love this little boy, I am so blessed to have him!!!

This morning when he woke up I sang happy birthday to him and the first thing he said was "What number am I now mom?". I was like, "Do you mean how old you are now? You are now 5 silly boy!" He laughed and then stated what a big boy he was now, he's so happy to be 5, almost as big as his sissy!
Then as he was eating his breakfast he gave me his birthday list. I couldn't believe it, he's the first one to do that. Not even Ezzy has done this yet. Here it is:

1. Iron Man movie #2
2. Iron Man toy (he was pretty descriptive with that one, so I'm thinking he has one in particular he wants)
3. Toy Story movie
4. Pokemon Movie

hmmmm......looks like I have a movie addict here lol

It's kind of cool though cause I found a Pokemon movie on ebay for a really good price and it arrived today, just in time for his birthday, he has recently discovered Pokemon and loves them. It's kind of funny cause I was a huge Pokemon fan and had a huge collection of them, I only wish I still had it to give to him, he would be in heaven! haha

I happened to have some frozen cake in the freezer from when I was practicing my sister's wedding cake, so I got it out and carved a quick Iron Man face on it. Made some yummy peanut butter frosting and decorated it. For a 10 minute job it turned out rather well and Cian loved it!!! I was so happy that he did cause honestly it was very last minute, I was not planning on doing one. But I overheard him a couple of times tell people that I was making him an Iron Man cake, I couldn't let him down. I only wish that I knew were my camera was, I would have taken pictures of it, even though it wasn't the best work ever. He loved it and that's all that counts!!!

I am so happy to have you Cian, I love you so very much!!! Every day you know how to make me smile and laugh. You watch out for Mommy and love to help out when ever you can, you are such a good boy!!! I am so proud of you everyday. You have turned into such a wonderful boy and take good care of your Mommy and little brother. Iolly adores you and I love that you include him with your play. You're such a big help anymore. I'm glad you're still Mommy's boy and love to cuddle with me, I hope you don't grow out of that too soon. I love you my big boy!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yes!!! It's finally happening! :)

It's official, we heard and saw a heart beat and am expecting baby #4!!! We are so very excited for this to finally to be happening! Everyone so far is in agreeance to having another girl, but that just means we will have another boy if we hope too hard!!! So I am trying to stay neutral and say it doesn't matter as long as we have this one and it's healthy!
When asked by relatives or me, this is my kiddoes answers to what they want to have:

Ezra (6)--"A sister, no more brothers for me!" uh, what will she do if she does have another brother??? I did ask her that, this is what she said "I will help you mom, even if I'm sad about that." LOL

Cian (nearly 5, 6 more days people!)--"I just want what will make my mommy happy!"
what a sweet heart, nearly made me cry when I heard!

Iollan (3)-- "a girl." Why, "cause Cian and me two brudders. Ezzy and baby two sissers." lol I love his logic and agree with that one!!! :)

We are only 7 weeks along, so we have a long ways to go. Looks like it's going to be a mid May baby, this will be my first winter pregnancy, so I am looking forward to this, the summer kills me!
Hopefully all goes well with this one, the chances are a lot slimmer now that we have a heart beat and I feel really good about this one too. The last one I was not sick at all and just had a real bad feeling about it the whole time. But I am sick with this one and I love that!!! Being sick is a good sign for me, one I look forward to.
So here is to my sickness and good health that comes with it! lol

*Thanks everyone for you thoughts and prayers, I appreciate it so very much!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

My Kids

This is some more about my children. I am just so happy to have each and everyone of them in my life. Just this morning I was looking at my little Iolly sleeping, so peacefully moaning his little moans along with his cute little sighs. I cannot imagine life without him. It made me remember when I first found out that I was having another little boy instead of a girl, how I cried and was so worried about having another boy, I thought that all boys would be like my Cian, my monster boy. But they are not, every child is different and that is what he taught me. He has always been very mild with his behaviour, so sweet and kind. He his both a momma's and dadda's boy. He is my cuddle bug every morning and I just love his smiles that he gives and his "Good morning Momma!". He started to have a slight speech problem like his sister did, but because we picked up on it sooner, we have been able to correct it. He talks very well and is favorite phrase when he wants something is"I never, ever, EVER got that before." It's so cute when he says it, he always squeaks with it too. Cian has tried this, but it just doesn't work with an older child, but I give him an A for effort. lol Iollan is growing up so much faster than the others and that makes me sad, he is my baby boy, can't he stay like that just a bit longer??? He is fully potty trained and surprisingly might be getting ready to stop using the diapers at night too, he has gone almost a week without any wet diapers at night, so I'm thinking that another 2 weeks of that and we will try diaper free at nights, that will be nice! He will be the youngest one of the three to go diaperless so young. Ezzy was out at 5 and Cian, well he still wears them, but that's ok. :)
Iollan has decided lately to be very vocal about who does or doesn't like anymore. We have a new little girl that I have started watching and when it was his turn to serve out the food, he refused to serve her because he didn't like her. That was the first time he had ever done that. I'm sure it was all because he just didn't know her, kind of funny though.

My monster boy Cian. I love him for who he is. And to be totally honest, he is turning into the sweetest little boy ever. He is the most helpful child I have, if I ask him to do something, he does it. No questions asked, he does it right then and there too. He is also very helpful with the other kids, he wants to be everyone's friend. He is always the first one to let me know when one of them is sad, he doesn't like to see anyone sad and tries to make them happy by doing silly things. He has also learned to be a good sport,he starts races, but he makes sure that everyone included is having fun, even if that means he looses. He has made me cry many times because of how proud I am of him.
He loves animals too! He is so cute about it, when we went camping one time my sister brought her pug. Whenever Cian thought that he (the pug) was lonely, he would go over and just sit there and hold him. He did that several times and for quite a while too. He just doesn't like to see anyone or anything sad and I love that about him, it shows how caring he is.
He has come along ways, he was and still sometimes is a difficult child. But I love what he is becoming and I know that through his difficulties that that is why he is who he is today. He is very high spirited and we both have to learn how to control it. I love my monster boy very much, wouldn't trade him for anything!!!

Ezra is getting so big and id drives me crazy how big she is. She still loves going to school and wakes up every morning ready to go. She is such a chatter box! We are always getting after her to quiet down cause the boys are still sleeping. She's just so excited to go to school again. We have her take cold lunches to school and she loves it when I use cookie cutters on them and finding little notes saying "I love you" inside. She has asked to purchase cold milk at school, that right there shows me how big she's getting and how independent she is and that makes me happy. Then this morning she asked if she could maybe have hot lunch instead, so I gave her some money to do so. We decided that we will look at the school menu and she can choose the days she want hot lunch and then cold lunches on the rest.
She seems to be doing pretty good with school right now and keeping up with everyone. She loves spelling, learning to read, and doing homework. She asks me daily for homework, most of the time I have to make it up for her cause she doesn't bring any home. She is always bringing drawings home and she always writes mommy on them, cause they are for me. She is getting really good with her drawing too. I love that she loves school I really hope that she continues to have that attitude and I hope that with our encouragement she will continue to do so. She is also excited cause she is looking forward to signing up for basketball. They sent home fliers and she asked if she could play. So I had her decide, bowling or basketball this year and she chose basketball. I'm so glad that she is into sports, hopefully she enjoys learning about basketball and has fun with it.

These are my kiddoes and I love them very much!!!

The reason behind this post is because I watched a movie last night and it just made me think. I watched "The boy in the striped pajamas". This is the second time I watched it, Chet bought it last night and so we watched it together. The whole story makes me mad and sad. The little boy in it though, Bruno, just reminds me so much of Cian. He is an explorer and loves to have a friend, no matter who they are. He was willing to look for the good when everyone else was saying there was none to be found. And then the horror of the mother realizing what happened, I cannot imagine going through that. Fighting so hard to get your children away from this nightmare you are in and that last minute to lose one. The father, well I'm not sure what to think about him. I really just don't even want to go there, he is one that ticks me off, just so wrong what he supported. But they brainwashed everyone, the stuff they were teaching to the children and at such young ages too, ugh!
Ok, ok, I am through with that because that just makes my blood boil, you can ask Chet, I was mad after the movie ended. Anyways, it made me think of my children and how I am so blessed to have them, I cannot imagine losing them.

I love you 3 with all my heart!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Dearest Chet!!!!

I haven't been feeling my best lately and Chet has been so wonderful going above and beyond the call of duty! He has been super busy with homework and work, but he still tries to do things to help me out, I love him much!
Tonight I went to my mom's to pick something up from her and when I got home he cleaned the kitchen completely and was reorganizing the pantry. Then I noticed that he also washed a piece of ribbon for me. This ribbon is for my sisters wedding cake and it had gotten frosting on it when I practiced. Well I didn't get a chance to wash it and he did it. It was such a simple thing, but it really touched me so much that I cried. I am so happy to have such a wonderful hubby, he is the best! Thank you Chet for all that you do, you are amazing and I love you so much!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Just Random Stuff

Sorry that I have not gotten any pictures on here like I thought I would, but if I could find my camera I would have gotten it done! :)

Ezzy had her second day of school today and so far she loves school! The first thing Ezzy said today when she came home was:
"School is too much fun Mom, I just love it!"
I am so glad that she is loving school, she is now sad cause she has a 3 day weekend: "I hate summer break, why can't we go to school everyday?" Another thing I over heard her say today! haha

Cian and Iolly took a bath tonight and when they got done they decided to race. Well Cian was winning by a long shot and Iolly started to get sad. Cian noticed it and took off his shirt (the final piece of clothing to win the race) and then proceeded to pretend that he couldn't put it on, it kept getting stuck on his foot, that silly foot! lol Iolly was then able to win the race and Cian shouted out "Good job Iolly, you won!!!" Made me so proud when he did that, what a sweet heart Cian is!!!

Iolly is potty trained! Yeah!!! The only diapers in this house in for night time use only, what a relief that is. He had one accident in the last two weeks, but I will not count that one, it truly was not his fault. He had to go really bad and ran into the bathroom (we were at Grandma's house). Well stinky sissy decided that she needed to go too and ran into the bathroom as well and went before him, therefore he had an accident. I was pretty mad at her, there was no reason for that. What a turkey she was.

My dogs like to chase flies and try to eat them, it is hilarious!!! Our house has many flies in it and it drives me insane! But it sure is funny to see the animals going nuts too! If anyone has any good remedies to get rid of flies, please let me know. I leave the door open when the kiddoes go out to play, so that is why we have so many. Don't tell me to shut the door, cause that is a no-no. :)

I've already started on Ol' Hallows Eve costumes and am so excited!!! We are doing an Under the Sea Adventure theme, can't wait to show them off!!! I absolutely LOVE Halloween, my creativity just goes wild! :)